Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Greatest is Love

The journey this blog represents is still taking shape.  Although I have a list of people that I will ask to share their stories and I have the theme of Hayes Barton Baptist Church’s 85th anniversary, “Heritage, Hope, and Home,” to use as a framework, I am largely working day by day, trusting in the Lord that the stories will surface and the writing will come easily.
There are several paths that have emerged from the stories that have already been posted.  As I think about which of those paths to take, one emerges and leads me to the people about whom I am going to write.  Those people today are Cathy and Ed Morris.
I first met Cathy and Ed at a meeting at their home.  The meeting was about the upcoming mission trip to Overtoun House in Scotland.  Cathy and Ed had been before and were serving as hosts for this planning meeting which included all of “us pilgrims” and Pastor Bob and Melissa Hill from Overtoun House. 
Being welcomed into their home was the first step on this mission trip, one of several Hayes Barton Baptist Church participated in this year.  The importance of missions is part of the heritage of the church, going all the way back to the beginnings of the church and reinforced in some of the previous blog postings as part of our hope for the future.  This trip to Overtoun house, the fourth such trip, reflects the philosophy that the church has implemented as it carries out missions, to foster and build relationships with those with whom we interact on missions.
Cathy and Ed’s warmth and hospitality certainly carried forward from the planning meeting to the mission trip.  Not being one to warm to people quickly, I seemed to quickly get on the same page with Cathy who was our “executive chief” on the mission, keeping us fed and fired up.  Cathy is a no nonsense woman, a straight shooter; just my type. Ed is a bit laid back, but one who gets the job done, whether painting a ceiling or buying out all the Puffins at the Scottish version of Walmart.  Together, they are quite a couple.
Both Cathy and Ed currently serve as our church historians, carrying on the work of Sarah Williamson and putting into practice the years of expertise and experience they have from working for the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources.  The two co-chair the 85th anniversary committee and commenced the committee’s work upon our return from the Scotland mission.
Having two professional historians being members of our church and specifically chairing the committee is a blessing.  They understand the importance of heritage and treasure the past.  Talking about the theme of “Heritage, Hope, and Home” with them opened my eyes to the vast amount of knowledge they have about Hayes Barton Baptist Church and to the feelings they have about the church.
“I’ve been a member for fifty years,” says Cathy with pride.  “I married into it,” says Ed, smiling.  Cathy remembers moving to Raleigh from Greensboro as a little girl and her family joining the church.  Both can say “check the videotape” regarding Ed’s comment about marrying into the church as the 75th anniversary video has a segment entitled “And the Two Shall Become One…” which offers a montage of wedding photos taken from Hayes Barton Baptist Church weddings, including Cathy and Ed’s back in 1980.
“Hayes Barton Baptist Church has always been a welcoming church,” says Ed.  “It is a unified body of diverse believers. It has a range and blend of generations and members.”  “It is here to help us realize our hope,” adds Cathy.  “It is an encouraging church.  It has a desire to reach out and meet needs.”
Taking a tour of the church archives with Cathy and Ed was a fun experience as they pointed out various documents, photographs, and other church memorabilia.  I think they almost forgot I was with them as they talked with each other about what has been done and what needs to be done.  As many couples married for many years do, they know what each other is thinking and can finish each other’s sentences.  They can communicate with each other without saying a word.  Yet the word I think that comes to mind about them is the word “love.”
The home we held our planning meeting in was one filled with love.  And the way Cathy and Ed interact with each other is defined by love.  “Faith, hope, and love are the central values of Hayes Barton Baptist Church,” says Ed.  They obviously have all three, and the greatest of these is love.  

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